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Angel's DecoStudio
Handmade Designs
Photo Frames
A photo frame. Measurements 21x15 cm. This is my toddler girl's photo frame. To remember all funny words she says right now, I put them of this frame...
A photo frame. Measurements 21x15 cm. This is my toddler girl's photo frame. To remember all funny words she says right now, I put them of this frame...
A photo frame. Measurements 21x15 cm. This is my toddler girl's photo frame. To remember all funny words she says right now, I put them of this frame...
A photo frame. Measurements 21x15 cm. Decorated using little girl's first words.
A photo frame. Measurements 21x15 cm. Decorated using little girl's first words.
A photo frame. Measurements 21x15 cm. Decorated using little girl's first words.
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